22 Pushup Challenge
We have been taking part in the 22 Pushup Challenge throughout Suicide Prevention Awareness Month to bring attention to the issue. If you or somebody you know needs help, please contact a member of the Camp Lemonnier Djibouti Care Team or utilize the Military Crisis Line.
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9/11 Remembrance Ceremony
September 11, 2001, is a date that has lived in infamy in the minds of the American people for over 20 years now. Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa service members took the day to commemorate the lives lost during the terrorist attacks, reflect on where they were when the World Trade Center fell, and how their memory of the tragedy drives their service. (U.S. Army National Guard video by Sgt. Jalen Miller)
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218th MEB don their combat patches
The 218th MEB donned their combat patches on August 14, 2023. The mission of CJTF-HOA now rests on your shoulders! "Steadfast, once more!"
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Video package of Women Peace and Security (WPS) and its impact in the Horn of Africa from 2022 to 2023. The video explains WPS and shows initiatives through multiple countries in Africa along with giving firsthand experiences. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Terrence Clyburn)
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Exercise Bull Shark 23-2 Wrap Up
Exercise Bull Shark takes place at Arta Beach, Djibouti, June 6, 2022. Exercise Bull Shark is a personnel recovery exercise involving members of Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa, U.S. Navy, the Djiboutian Coast Guard, Spanish Navy, and Spanish Special Operations Maritime Task Unit, aimed to strengthen interoperability between like-minded partners in the region. (U.S. Air Force video by Airman 1st Class Mitchell Corley)
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Memorial Day Tribute 2023
Let us never forget the sacrifices
of our honored dead.
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CJTF-HOA MWD team conducts water aggression training with a French Armed Forces MWD team
A Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) military working dog (MWD) team conducts water aggression training with a French Armed Forces MWD team member at Turtle Beach in Djibouti, April 11, 2023. Working with partner forces allows CJTF-HOA to continue to build relationships and integrate force protection capabilities with its multinational partners. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Tech. Sgt. Phuong Au)
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Aviation Combat Element - Crisis Response - Africa CJTF-HOA VMM-266 REIN
The VMM-266 (REIN) provides critical support for multiple operations within Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa’s (CJTF-HOA) area of interest. Marine Corps aviation assets augment the East Africa Response Force, transporting and inserting ground forces wherever they are needed throughout the region in support of crisis response, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief operations. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Master Sgt. Toby Valadie)
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Women Influencing Change - Horn of Africa's Hard Charging Women
In support of "Women's History Month, we are proud to highlight our hard-charging leaders influencing change in the Horn of Africa region. Answering a series of questions related to their experience as leaders in their field, our participants include; Maj. Gen. Jami Shawley, Commanding General, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), Brig. Gen. Valerie Jackson, Deputy Commanding General, CJTF-HOA, Ms. Nancy Ostrowski, Country Representative, USAID - Djibouti and Ms. Sadie Tucker, Foreign Policy Advisor, CJTF-HOA. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Senior Master Sgt. Daniel Farrell)
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Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa naturalization ceremony
Fifteen United States Army National Guard Soldiers assigned to Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa became United States citizens during a naturalization ceremony at the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti, Mar. 10. The Soldiers hail from the New York Army National Guard's 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and are in the midst of a nine-month deployment to Africa. Jonathan Pratt, U.S. Ambassador to Djibouti and Maj. Gen. Jami Shawley, commander, CJTF-HOA served as distinguished speakers during the event. (U.S. Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Alexander Rector)
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U.S. Naval Forces Europe Africa Band performs in Djibouti as part of Cutlass Express 2023
Musician 2nd Class Michael Delorean, lead guitarist U.S. Naval Forces Europe Africa Band, and Musician 1st Class Jason Lucker, trumpeter U.S. Naval Forces Europe Africa Band, expound on their experiences of performing across Djibouti City during their week-long trip as part of Cutlass Express, March 9, 2023. (U.S. Air National Guard Video by Master Sgt Toby Valadie)
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Surgeon Cell hosts Tactical Combat Casualty Care knowledge exchange
The Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) Surgeon Cell hosted a Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCC) knowledge exchange at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, with members of CJTF-HOA, Task Force WolfHound, and Italian and Japanese partners. The course was separated into two parts - classroom presentations and hands-on scenarios where they applied their skills.
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Exercise Bull Shark strengthens personnel recovery, interoperability between partners
Exercise Bull Shark takes place at Arta Beach, Djibouti Dec. 3, 2022. Exercise Bull Shark is a personnel recovery exercise involving members of Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa, U.S. Navy, the Djiboutian Coast Guard, Spanish Navy, and Spanish Special Operations Maritime Task Unit, aimed to strengthen interoperability between like-minded partners in the region. (U.S. Air Force video by Staff Sgt. Dylan Murakami)
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CJTF-HOA celebrates Partner Appreciation Day
U.S. and coalition service members participated in a Partnership Appreciation Day event at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, Nov. 10, 2022. The event celebrated the 20th anniversary of the landfall of U.S. service members in Djibouti after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and gave partners and allies a chance to mingle, and learn about one anothers militaries and cultures. (Department of Defense video by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Thomas Johns)
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SFAB trains FAD BIR on combat water survival
The Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) trains and advises foreign security forces to improve partner capabilities and facilitate achievement of U.S. strategic objectives. (U.S. Air Force video by Senior Airman Bryan Guthrie)
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Kenyan Culture Appreciation Day
The chaplain ministry team and members of the 475th Expeditionary Air Base Squadron, under the 449th Air Expeditionary Group, held the first Kenyan Culture Appreciation Day event at Camp Simba, Kenya, Aug. 20, 2022. To promote cultural awareness, the event consisted of Kenyan foods, music, a fashion show, and a mini-bazaar. In addition, current and former U.S. service members, who were born in Kenya, also spoke on what it was like growing up in Africa.
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CJTF-HOA Command Senior Enlisted Change of Responsibility.
On September 7th, CMSgt. Colon relinquished responsibility of CJTF-HOA to U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Frank Kammer during a Change of Responsibility ceremony.
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Formation de la BIR sur l'hygiène du sommeil
L'équipe de santé et de bien-être comportemental et la Brigade d'assistance aux forces de sécurité, affectée à la Force opérationnelle interarmées combinée - Corne de l'Afrique (CJTF-HOA), ont établi un partenariat avec le Bataillon d'intervention rapide des forces armées de Djibouti pour mener une formation sur l'hygiène du sommeil pour les soldats du BIR.
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BIR Sleep Hygiene Training
The Behavioral Health & Wellness team and the 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade, assigned to Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), partnered with the Armed Forces of Djibouti, Bataillon d’intervention rapide to conduct sleep hygiene training for BIR soldiers.
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Vidéo de la mission des Forces opérationnelles interarmées conjointes de la Corne de l'Afrique
Dans la Corne de l'Afrique, à la frontière de l'Éthiopie, de l'Érythrée et de la Somalie, se trouve un pays pas plus grand que l'État de New Jersey, il s’agit de Djibout
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