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Human of HOA spotlight: Pfc. Saul Ballardo

Humans of HoA
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Norwegian Foot March at Camp Lemonnier

U.S. service members participate in the Norwegian Foot March at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, March 22, 2025.
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CJTF-HOA Participates in the French Desert Commando Course

U.S. service members participate in the French Desert Commando Course at the Combat Training Center, Arta Beach, Djibouti March 19, 2025. The multi-day course consisted of various land and water obstacles, combative training and extreme endurance exercises that challenged participants both physically and mentally. The training also assisted service members in ensuring that they are always ready, lethal and prepared for any scenario.
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French Desert Commando Course

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Humans of HOA spotlight: Sergeant Henry Warwick

Humans of HOA
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U.S. vs. French rugby match

U.S. and French service members pose for a group photo after a Rugby match at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, March 13, 2025. Team sports promote long-term relationships and enhance partnerships throughout the region.
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CJTF-HOA hosts Combat Lifesavers Course

Joint service members pose after completing a combat lifesavers course assessment hosted by Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, Feb. 21, 2025. The participants received hands-on training and were able to perform various medical tasks to extend the timeline to get an injured service member emergency medical care.
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U.S. Army Soldiers conducts patrol with Kenyan Marines

U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to Task Force Associator and Kenyan Marines conduct joint engagements with Kenyan locals during a patrol in Manda Bay, Kenya, March 2, 2025. TFAS routinely conducts knowledge exchanges and joint patrols to build capacity for partner nation independence with security.
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CJTF-HOA hosts first MNCC Crisis Response TTX

Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa CJ-5 Directorate hosted the first-ever Multinational Coordinating Center Tabletop exercise focused on crisis response, Feb. 27, 2025.
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Humans of HOA; soldier grows through volleyball

Featured in Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Humans of HOA is U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Ricardo Ortiz, CJTF-HOA CJ-3 admin NCO, who learned about leadership through volleyball.
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FDCC Pre-Assessment at French 5th Overseas Interarms Regiment base

U.S. service members train for the French Desert Commando Course at the French 5th Overseas Interarms Regiment Base, Djibouti, Feb. 27, 2025. Since 2015, the French Forces stationed in Djibouti (FFDJ) have invited U.S. service members with Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa and Camp Lemonnier to participate in the FDCC.
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Fundamentals of Global Health Engagement course

Medical personnel from the Djiboutian Armed Forces (FAD), Gendarmerie, the Battalion Intervention Rapide (BIR) and Djiboutian Coast Guard participated in the Fundamentals of Global Health Engagement (FOGHE) course. The course was sponsored by AFRICOM's Office of the Surgeon and hosted by SETAF-AF Civil Affairs Battalion, Functional Specialty Team (FxSP) in collaboration with Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) from February 24-28, 2025, at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.
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Human of HOA spotlight; Staff Sgt. Jaime Valdez, journey to becoming a Warrant Officer

Humans of HOA spotlight
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Justified Accord 2025 Arta Range

CAMP LEMONNIER, Djibouti– Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa’s 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade and the Djiboutian Battalion Intervention Rapide (BIR) strengthened their enduring partnership during a field training exercise at Justified Accord 2025 (JA25), held Feb. 10-12 2025 at the Arta Range Complex, Djibouti
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Djiboutian and U.S. Service Members Strengthen Partnership in CJTF-HOA’s First Warrior Day

Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa, hosted its inaugural Warrior Day at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, on February 4, 2025, marking a significant milestone in U.S.-Djiboutian military collaboration.
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Justified Accord 2025 Tanzania concludes, strengthens partnerships, builds long-lasting friendships

CJTF-HOA – As Justified Accord 2025 (JA25) concluded on Feb. 15, 2025, service members from the Tanzania People’s Defense Force chanted “America and Tanzania forever”.
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FDCC Swim Pre-Assessment Day 1

Since 2015, the French Forces stationed in Djibouti (FFDJ) have invited U.S. service members with Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa and Camp Lemonnier to participate in the FDCC.
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U.S, Tanzania hold troop leading procedures class during Justified Accord 2025

U.S. Army soldiers with the East Africa Response Force (EARF), assigned to Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), give a class on a troop leading procedures with U.S Army Southern European Task Force, Africa (SETAF-AF) and the Tanzania People's Defense Force (TPDF) during day four of multinational exercise Justified Accord (JA25) at the Msata Military Training Base in Msata, Tanzania, Feb. 14, 2024.
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606 ACS employs first TOC-L command and control system

CAMP LEMONNIER, Djibouti-- In November, Airmen from the 606th Air Control Squadron deployed from Aviano Air Base, Italy, to Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, to assume authority of control and reporting center responsibilities for Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa from U.S. Marine Air Control Squadron 2's Tactical Air Operations Center.
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2-185th Airfield Operations Battalion transfers authority to 1-58th AOB during TOA ceremony

The 2-185th Airfield Operations Battalion, Mississippi National Guard, transferred authority to the 1-58th AOB, Fort Novosel, Alabama, on Feb. 15, 2025, at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.
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